Ballies | Beta Game Article Part 2: The Gameplay

Hello everyone, today we are excited to continue sharing more information about the Ballies Beta game. In case you missed it, we previously gave a brief overview of the game in our previous article, which you can read by clicking here.

In this article, we will be focusing on the game mechanics, how the game flow works and the gameplay itself. So, grab your favorite drink and letā€™s get started!



In most sports or games, determining who will go on the offensive and who will go on the defensive is crucial to establishing a fair and balanced competition. One way to decide is by a flip of a coin, a simple yet effective method that ensures an impartial outcome. In the game, a simple flip of a coin will decide which player gets to start the game on the offensive side.

The flip of the coin is a random event where the outcome is unknown until the coin lands and reveals the result. This creates an equal chance for both sides to win the coin toss and ultimately, determine who will be the attacker and who will be the defender.


With every turn start there is a dice toss that shows how many Energy balls you can use on your turn. Player can get 1ā€“6 Energy Balls from the dice throw.

Dice toss is an essential part of the game as it determines the number of Energy Balls a player can use on their turn. It adds an element of chance and unpredictability to the game, making each turn unique and exciting.


Energy balls, also known as EBs, are an important in-game resource that players can use to attack, defend, draw cards from their deck and activate their cards. The number of energy balls received can have a significant impact on a playerā€™s strategy for that turn. Also, energy balls can be accumulated between turns, up to a maximum of 10.

The opponentā€™s energy points are visible, but the player cannot see how they are being used or if they are being saved for future rounds. The visible EB number shown from the beginning of each turn and doesnā€™t go down as the turn progresses. So, it is important to keep an eye on your opponentā€™s energy balls as well as your own, as they can be used for a variety of purposes such as activating cards & launching attacks or for defending purposes.

ā†³ In the example above, you will see that the CPU saved its energy balls for the next round, which not only caught us off guard, but also left us with no energy balls left. The CPU could have scored 3 points against us in this round regardless. And it would have been impossible for us to prevent it. However, the CPU decided to defend the match score by thinking ahead to the next round.

āž¤ Managing your energy balls effectively can make the difference between victory and defeat. Timing is crucial in this game and a well-timed energy ball usage can make all the difference in securing a victory. Tips for Ballies Medium users!


Action cards are a new dynamic in Ballies that can completely change the balance of power. Depending on the type of card played, players can boost their Balliesā€™ attack or defense, gain energy balls independent of dice rolls, reduce their opponentā€™s attack or defense, or even stop their opponentā€™s attack with a foul, limiting their score to only one point for the round. The use of action cards is not limited to these examples, as there are many different types of cards with unique effects.

Weā€™ll provide more information on cards in an upcoming article, but for now, letā€™s take a closer look at some key points:

šŸƒ There are currently 23 different types of action cards available in the game, but this number will eventually reach 80ā€“100 to provide a rich game experience for players.

šŸƒ By building their own decks, players can make use of the gameā€™s strategic structure to the fullest extent.

šŸƒ Players can upgrade their cards up to level 10 by collecting the required number of copies of the same card. Upgrades can be earned in several ways, including playing and collecting cards, winning tournaments, or purchasing them in the shop.

šŸƒ By clicking on a card, players can get an idea of how to use it effectively and for what purpose.

šŸƒ When a card is upgraded to a higher level, it will develop in terms of parameters. These parameters are the most important indicators of a cardā€™s abilities, and they provide information such as the number of energy balls needed to activate the card, the purpose of the card, the number of active turns, and the maximum number of copies allowed in a deck. For example, if an action card lowers the opponentā€™s defense skill by 1, this information will be displayed under the ā€œenemy defenseā€ parameter. When upgraded to the next level, this number may decrease to -2, providing a greater advantage to the player. Furthermore, the number of active turns for a card can also increase when it is upgraded to a higher level. This means that a card that was only active for one round can become active for two or more rounds, depending on the level of upgrade. The maximum number of copies allowed in a deck can also increase to 2 when a card is upgraded to a higher level.

šŸƒ Cards are divided into several categories including common, uncommon, rare, and legendary.

šŸƒ At the start of the game, two cards from your deck will automatically be assigned to their respective positions. This means that you wonā€™t have to draw them. However, in order to use the other cards in your deck, youā€™ll need to draw them and this will cost you 2 energy for each draw.

šŸƒ There is a section in the game that shows how many cards you have left in your deck. You can check it to get an idea of the current state of your cards.

šŸƒ To activate a card in the game, you need to drag it to the relevant area in the center of the court.

šŸƒ Action cards will help players strategically to turn the tide of the game in their favor.

šŸƒ Different card types have different effects on your Balliesā€™ abilities and game mechanics.

šŸƒ Cards can also be used to gain an advantage in terms of energy ball acquisition, attack and defense.

šŸƒ Cards can be used to disrupt the opponentā€™s strategy and gain an advantage in the game.

šŸƒ Player can see opponentā€™s number of action cards but not the actual action cards itself.


Players take turns attacking and defending with Ballies. On the first turn, Player 1 is attacking and Player 2 is defending. On the second turn Player 1 is defending and Player 2 is attacking. And so on. The attacking player has the opportunity to shoot and get 2 or 3 points. The defending Player wants to prevent the attacking Player from shooting and getting points.



Shooting is the attacking action and results in scoring or not scoring a basket.

The player can attempt a 2-point or 3-point shot based on their EB count or strategy. If 1 or 2 EBs are used during the shooting action, it results in a 2-point shot, and if between 3 and 10 energy balls are used, it results in a 3-point shot. Of course, for the player to be rewarded with points, they need to surpass the defense of the other player.

Skipping a turn results in no shot done. No point will be awarded to the player.

Each shot finishes with the animation after which user knows if the basket was scored or not.


SUM(ATK skills + attacking EB) and compares it against opponents SUM(DEF skills + defending EB).

Player scores if ATK + EB used > DEF + EB used.

āž¤ SUM(ATK skills 9 + attacking EB 3) = 12 vs SUM(DEF skills 6 + defending EB 3) = 9

āž¤ 9 ATK + 3 EBs used > 6 DEF + 3 EBs used


Defending is the defensive action and results in scoring or not scoring the basket.

Defending uses energy balls from 1ā€“10.

Skipping a turn results in no shot blocking. If the opponent doesnā€™t shoot, then the score stays the same.

Each blocking action finishes with the animation after which user knows if the basket was scored or not.


SUM(DEF skills + defending EB) and compares it against opponents SUM(ATK skills + attacking EB).

Player blocks the shot if DEF + EB used > ATK + EB used.

āž¤ SUM(DEF skills 7 + defending EB 6) = 13 SUM(ATK skills 9 + attacking EB 3) = 12.

āž¤ 7 DEF + 6 EBs used > 9 ATK + 3 EB used.


The shot clock starts at 30 sec and runs out to zero with each turn. Player has 30 sec for potion selection, card draw, block or shoot preparation and execution. After the 30 sec the shot clock runs out and the turn changes.


Each game is played until one of the players scores 11 points.


At the end of the game, winners are rewarded while losing players are punished with a penalty. The rewards for winners are 20 ranking points, 1000 in-game currency and a random action card. The losing player, on the other hand, loses 10 ranking points as a penalty.

As we come to the end of this article, we hope that we have been able to explain the gameplay clearly for you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please donā€™t hesitate to reach out to us. We always appreciate feedback from our community and are committed to providing the best gaming experience possible. In our next game article, we will focus on the main menu and upcoming features.

Thank you for your time and happy playing!

Oh oh! We have a surprise for you! Weā€™ve uploaded a full gameplay video of a match for you to watch and see how everything weā€™ve discussed comes together in action. We hope you find it informative and enjoyable. Thank you for reading!

Last updated